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There is no mouse and keyboard can also interact: Windows 10 native support “eye tracking” system

In today’s release of Build 16257, the Windows 10 system has an “eye tracking” system designed to help people who have neuromuscular disorders, such as frozen patients (ALS) and other people with disabilities, In the absence of keyboard and mouse in the case of the system with a variety of interface elements.

At present, the Eye Control function is still in the Beta stage, from the current function of the function is basically covering the mouse, the keyboard of the mainstream operation, to achieve the mouse left and right click, keyboard and other input functions, and can convert text into a convenient voice of these patients and relatives Friends to communicate.


The most noteworthy aspect of the input is the “Shape Writing” feature, which allows the user to quickly move to the next letter after starting at the first letter, and in the last letter to display the precise word prediction, even if the predicted word is not correct You can quickly switch to the prediction of other words, which greatly speed up the text input speed.