IBM launches new 127-qubit Eagle quantum processor

IBM announced on Monday the launch of a new 127-qubit quantum processor. IBM executives expressed a belief that quantum computers can surpass traditional computers in certain tasks within two years. The quantum computing chip called Eagle has 127 qubits, which can present information in the quantum form. Traditional computers use bits, which are either 1 or 0 binary at the same time, but qubits can be in both 1 and 0 states at the same time.

The successful technological breakthrough IBM owes it to a new design that puts the processor’s control components on multiple physical layers and the qubits on a single layer. IBM says this design can significantly improve computing power.

IBM’s Eagle quantum processor features a 3D architecture and layers so qubits work well together.

It is worth noting that IBM did not disclose the quantum volume of Eagle. Quantum volume is a performance indicator created by IBM itself. This indicator integrates the number of qubits and interaction methods to measure performance. The larger the quantum volume, the stronger the quantum computer’s ability to deal with difficult problems.

In a blog post, IBM outlined Eagle’s architecture.

We had to combine and improve upon techniques developed in previous generations of IBM Quantum processors in order to develop a processorarchitecture including advanced 3D packagingtechniquesthat we’re confident can form the backbone ofprocessors up to and including our planned 1000+ qubit Condor processor. Eagle is based upon our heavy-hexagonal qubit layout asdebuted with our Falcon processor, where qubits connect witheithertwo or three neighbors as ifsitting upon the edges and corners of tessellated hexagons.This particular connectivity decreased the potential for errors caused by interactions between neighboring qubits-providing significant boosts in yielding functional processors.

Via: ZDNet