How to Avoid Malware Attacks: 5 Proven Security Tips

It’s an indisputable fact that technology has improved business operations globally. However, there is a rather ugly flipside to this phenomenon. While technology is a plus for your businesses, it may expose you to cybercriminals.

According to a report by Verizon, data breaches through hacking, malware, and social attacks posed tremendous security challenges to businesses in 2019.

In this article, we’ll highlight all the details that you need to know about malware and how you can avoid attacks. Read on.

Malware Definition

Malware is a collective term used to refer to all malicious software that introduces harmful code into your business system. This code will interfere with the integrity of your system, potentially causing extensive damage and exposing your or your organization to theft, identity fraud, or blackmail.

Some common malware comes in the form of ransomware, viruses, Trojan horse, worms, and spyware. In most cases, they will be delivered using a link, through an email, or fake adverts with “click” instructions.

You should avoid clicking on any unsubstantiated link – whether delivered through email or any other platform.

Why a Malware Attack is Dangerous

In 2019, malware attacks accounted for approximately 28% of some of the most expensive data breach attacks globally.

The malware is designed to interfere with the integrity of your data or gain unauthorized access. When this happens, you’ll be guilty of breaching your customer’s right to privacy.

Additionally, the malware is capable of paralyzing all your operations. Cybercriminals will then require that you pay a huge amount of money to gain access to your system.

Other reasons for malware attacks include:

  • Hijacking your core system functions
  • Money extortion
  • Introducing spam adverts
  • Unauthorized monitoring of your activities
  • Stealing/deleting sensitive information

A malware attack will not only be expensive but may also lead to the erosion of your customers’ trust and eventual collapse of your business. As such, you should institute safety measures to avoid these attacks.

Tips to Avoid Malware Attacks

1. Have Access to Emerging Trends

If you want to win against cybercriminals, you should learn from others. Knowing how other organizations handle threats and learning from their mistakes will save you.

Speak with colleagues, and if possible with your counterparts in organizations like yours, to share knowledge on trends. Joining groups, associations, and attending tech meetups is a great way to do this. If that’s harder for you, tech partnership platforms like Partnerships Insights are a good place to start.

Such platforms offer unique opportunities to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and interact with experts in different sectors.

2. Always Have Up-to-Date Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware Software

The software will help you to detect and remove malware with ease. Ensure that you regularly scan your systems for unauthorized access, errors, missing data, among other anomalies.

It’s essential that you don’t forget to update your software.

3. Install Foul-Proof Authentication Techniques

To keep your systems safe, you should ensure that you have strong passwords, 2-factor authentication, or biometric tools. This way, you’ll be guaranteed that only authorized administrators will have access to your operating system.

Additionally, you should avoid saving your passwords on any computer or network.

4. Control Access to your Operating Systems

If you want to safeguard your systems from attacks, you should have a system to prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing your data.

To achieve this, you can use the following techniques:

  • Configure your computers to only access for an administer with specific individual-centered details (such as user’s ID and fingerprints)
  • Implement the Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), firewall, or an intrusion detection system (IDS)
  • Remove inactive plug-ins and user accounts
  • Close all unused ports and protocols
  • Only install software from reliable sources

Additionally, you should configure your systems to block any user who repeatedly tries to log in to your systems unsuccessfully. The system should always blacklist users from suspicious IP addresses.

5. Educate Your Employees

Always remember that attacks can come from negligence or intentional leakage. As such, you should educate your employees on the need to adhere to your organization’s security systems.

You should teach them how to recognize and report suspicious activities before they wreak havoc to your system.

Also, you should advise them to avoid using unsafe internet connections and apply VPNs whenever they are working outside their offices.

The Bottom Line

As technology advances, cybercriminals are devising new techniques to attack your systems. Overall, you must always ensure that you install active security systems to block unauthorized login attempts, thus safeguarding your data. This way, you can be sure that you’ll keep malware at bay.

This article enumerates some of the tested and proven techniques that you can use to avoid malware attacks. We implore you to not only read it but also apply the tips for guaranteed security in your organization.