Google Chrome will offer Android users a 64-bit version with better performance

The transition between Google’s apps and Android in 64-bit architecture is relatively slow. For example, Apple completed the 64-bit transition a few years ago, and Google will not require developers to provide a 64-bit version until August 2021. For Apple devices, downloading and installing the 32-bit version is not supported on 64-bit devices. The benefit of the 64-bit version is that performance is relatively better. After all, mainstream devices and new models have already adopted ARM64 microprocessors.

Google is fast in other areas, but it’s a bit unsatisfactory when it comes to transitioning from Android to 64-bit. For example, Google apps such as Google Chrome are always 32-bit versions. But this is also related to the Android ecosystem. After all, Apple needs to support relatively few models and Android supports many models.

Chrome power-saving

The good news is that Google has started to provide the 64-bit version of Google Chrome to Android 10 and above. I don’t know if this is the beginning of the transformation of the Google family bucket to the 64-bit version. A report from Androidpolice says that the current 64-bit version of Google Chrome only supports Android 10 and above, if it is lower than this version, it is still a 32-bit version. Of course, with the subsequent changes, the supported version will gradually expand, and most users should be able to use the 64-bit version.

In terms of performance, Google has not yet released instructions, so it is not clear whether the 64-bit version of Google Chrome is much better in performance than the 32-bit version. It is estimated that Google should release test data after the test is completed.