Github will delist Trending Repositories and Trending Developers tab on September 30, 2022

The trending section of Github Trending will include recent popular projects on Github. For developers, you can find the latest popular projects through the trending page, which is a very good entry for discovering high-quality open-source projects. Developers can also filter by language, programming language, daily, weekly, or monthly, so finding new popular projects is actually pretty easy.

Trending Repositories tab

Now Github is going to take the trending section offline. According to the tips released by Github, the trending tab will be offline on September 30, 2022. After the offline, the trending tab will no longer be provided, and the latest or historical trending section cannot be viewed. The reason given by Github is that the trending Repositories popular repositories and Trending Developers popular developers have very low feature usage rates, so there is no need to keep them.

Github writes: “Heads up! This Trending tab is being deprecated. Due to low usage of Trending Repositories and Trending Developers, this tab will no longer be available beginning September 30, 2022.”

At present, Github has not released any further response, and I don’t know if the developer’s feedback can make Github change its mind.