Android 13 will automatically detect background power-hungry apps

Many malware apps want to run in the background all the time so that they can be used to wake up other rogue apps and collect private information at any time. A number of popular applications have been found to obtain positioning frequently in the background, and even continue to be active in the background and continue to collect user positioning information. So Google added a new detection function in Android 13 to solve high-power-consuming applications.

Android 13 power-hungry apps

Google has added a notification function for high-power-consuming applications in the background on the previous basis. This function is enabled by default. When the application is running in the foreground, it will not notify you of high battery consumption. For example, when the user is playing a game, the battery may be drained very fast, but it is normal to use after all, and if it is running in the background and the battery is draining, it is definitely not normal.

According to Google’s instructions, no matter whether the application is compatible with the Android 13 SDK, it will be detected. After the initialization is completed, the system will detect it within 24 hours. That is, when the application switches to the background for 24 hours, if there is still high power consumption, the system will pop up a notification for the user to manually deal with it, including killing the process or restricting it. This feature can be used not only to detect ordinary applications, but also malware usually persists in the background, so it may also be detected by the system and a notification will pop up.

Google said that some apps do need to run continuously in the background and may have high power consumption issues, so there are certain exemptions to this feature, which are as follows:

  • System apps and system-bound apps
  • Companion device apps
  • Apps running on a device in Demo Mode
  • Device owner apps
  • Profile owner apps
  • Persistent apps
  • VPN apps
  • Apps that have the ROLE_DIALER role
  • Apps that the user has explicitly designated to provide “unrestricted” functionality in system settings

In addition, if the non-exceptional application runs in the foreground for more than 20 hours in 24 hours, the system will also pop up a notification, but it will only pop up once in 30 days.

Via: androidpolice