6 Parts Of Cypress Framework

If you’re a developer looking for the perfect platform to build your next project, look no further than the Cypress framework. This comprehensive and feature-rich framework provides developers with a robust set of tools that make it easy to create potent web applications quickly and efficiently.

In this blog post, we’ll dive into six parts of the Cypress framework to give you an idea of why it’s such a popular choice among developers. So read on to discover why Cypress testing is the go-to for web application development!

What is the Cypress Framework?

Cypress is an open-source JavaScript-based automation testing framework that enables developers to test web applications. It allows for end-to-end testing of applications, meaning it tests all aspects of the application, from the user interface to the database layer. It also supports many browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Safari. Cypress also has an intuitive GUI, which makes it easier for testers to create test scenarios and debug their tests.

As an example, let’s consider a simple login page. With Cypress, you can write tests that check whether the page successfully renders when loaded and whether users can log in with valid credentials and get redirected to their dashboard page. You can also write tests that ensure users cannot log in with invalid credentials or see error messages when submitting invalid information.

Example 1: Testing Form Submission on a Contact Us Page. With Cypress, you can write tests to ensure that the form submission is successful and that users are redirected to the appropriate page after submitting valid information.

Example 2: Testing Shopping Cart Functionality. With Cypress, you can write tests to check that products are added and removed from the cart correctly, that payments are processed securely, and that discounts are appropriately applied.

Example 3: Testing User Registration. With Cypress, you can write tests to check that users can register with valid credentials and get redirected to the appropriate page upon successful registration.

Example 4: Testing API Calls. With Cypress, you can write tests to ensure that API calls return the expected data and status codes and test for authentication requirements when making API requests.

Example 5: Testing Email Notifications. With Cypress, you can write tests to check that emails sent from your application are shipped correctly and contain the correct data.

Overall, Cypress is a powerful tool for end-to-end testing that allows you to create comprehensive test scenarios, debug your tests easily, and get detailed test results quickly. With its intuitive GUI and support for various browsers, Cypress is an excellent choice for automated end-to-end testing.

6 Parts Of Cypress Framework

  • Assertions

Assertions are the backbone of any Cypress test. They allow us to validate that a given result matches what we expect and ensure that our application behaves as expected. For example, when testing a form submission, an assertion can be used to check that the data entered is valid and then stored in the database.

There are several assertions available within Cypress: Implicit Assertions, Explicit Assertions, and Custom Assertions.

Implicit Assertions are assertions that occur automatically when a command runs. When a command succeeds (e.g., cy.visit() or cy.get()), an implicit assertion is made that the command has returned the expected result—in this case, that the page successfully loaded or that the element was found in the DOM, respectively. If an implicit assertion fails, then the test will fail as well.

Explicit Assertions allow testers to make manual assertions on elements and values in their tests. For example, suppose you wanted to assert that a particular part had a text value. In that case, you could use an explicit assertion like cy.contains() to check that the element’s text includes the expected value.

Custom Assertions allow testers to create assertions and use them in their tests. They provide an easy way to make a custom assertion that can be used multiple times throughout the test suite. Custom assertions are especially useful for complex or frequently used assertions.

For example, check whether an element has a specific value or class or if it exists in the DOM. Custom assertions allow you to define your logic and pass it as an argument when running the assertion. This makes it easier for developers to maintain and reuse their code without rewriting the same logic.

Overall, assertions are a powerful tool for Cypress testers and can be used in various ways depending on their needs. Implicit assertions automate standard checks, explicit assertions allow for manual reviews of elements and values, while custom assertions allow for more complex logic.

By understanding the various types of assertions and how to use them, Cypress testers can maximize their testing potential and ensure their code is accurate and reliable.

  • Commands

Cypress commands interact with elements on the page, such as clicking on a button or entering text into a field. An example command could be cy.get(‘#submit-button’).click(), which would click on an element with an ID of “submit-button”.

Cypress commands are invaluable for web application development as they allow testers to interact with the page precisely and efficiently. Cypress provides a wide range of commands, from basic ones like `cy.get`, which is used to grab elements from the page, to more complex ones like `cy.exec`, which allows running system commands directly from Cypress test scripts.

For example, when testing an e-commerce application, one may need to enter some text into a search field and validate that the results page contains the expected items. In this case, the tester can use `cy.type` to enter text into the field, and `cy.contains` to check if all the expected elements are present on the results page.

Cypress also allows running custom JavaScript code inside its test scripts using `cy.evaluate`. This is useful when complex checking logic needs to be applied to a particular element or set of components. For example, when testing an online banking application, the tester can use `cy.evaluate` to make sure that the balance displayed on the page is correct by executing a custom JavaScript code that calculates the sum of all transactions on the account.

In summary, Cypress commands are invaluable for web application development because they provide testers powerful tools to interact with web pages and apply complex checking logic. With Cypress commands like `cy.type`, `cy.contains`, and `cy.evaluate`, testers can ensure their applications are working as expected and deliver a high-quality user experience.

  • Fixtures

Cypress Fixtures are invaluable for Cypress testers to ensure accuracy and efficiency during testing. Fixtures are preloaded data that can be referenced during tests using the “cy.fixture” command. This allows us to access predefined data, which can be used for testing purposes instead of manually typing it out each time.

For example, imagine you have an app that requires inputting customer information, such as name, address, phone number, etc. In that case, you can create a fixture file that contains all this information in advance. Then, when running the test, you can quickly load the fixture data with “cy.fixture” and use it to fill in all of the customer data fields automatically. This saves a lot of time and eliminates potential errors from manual entry.

Another example is when you are testing an application’s ability to process orders correctly. You can create a fixture file that contains several different order scenarios and use them to verify that the application is functioning as expected. This reduces the amount of time spent testing each method, as well as eliminating any potential errors from entering incorrect data manually.

Cypress Fixtures are invaluable for ensuring your tests run accurately and quickly. They provide a reliable source of predefined data that can be used to automate testing tasks and reduce the chances of human error. These fixtures are essential for ensuring the quality of your application and should be part of any comprehensive Cypress testing strategy.

  • Aliases

Cypress Aliases are an invaluable tool for testers using the Cypress framework. Aliases store references to DOM elements, such as a button, so they can be referenced multiple times throughout the test without having to type out the full selector each time. For example, cy.get(‘#submit-button’).as(‘submitButton’) would save the element with an ID of “submit-button” to an alias called “submitButton”.

Another example is if a tester needs to check that a button is working correctly on several different pages of a website, they can create an alias for that button. Then they can call the alias in each test instead of writing out the full selector every time. This reduces the complexity and length of their tests while ensuring accuracy and consistency across all tests.

Aliases are also invaluable for elements that may have long and complex selectors. This helps to keep tests clean and easy to read, as well as reducing the risk of typos or errors in the selector. Aliases can also make tests more maintainable, allowing testers to update all references with a single change quickly.

In summary, aliases save time and effort by allowing testers to reference the same elements multiple times without writing out the full selector each time. They also reduce complexity and ensure accuracy and consistency across all tests. With these benefits in mind, it’s clear why aliases are an essential part of any Cypress testing workflow.

  • Timeouts

Timeouts are an invaluable tool in Cypress testing, as they allow testers to control how long Cypress will wait for an element or operation before failing the test. Cypress may terminate the test prematurely and inaccurately without a timeout if a component or process takes longer than usual. This is especially important when dealing with asynchronous operations like AJAX requests which can take some time to complete. An example is cy.wait (2000) which will make Cypress wait two seconds before continuing with the test.

For example, when testing a website’s loading time, a tester has to decide how long they want Cypress to wait until it fails the test. If no timeout is set, Cypress may fail too soon and give inaccurate results. This can be avoided by setting a reasonable timeout value that ensures all elements have been appropriately loaded before proceeding with the test.

Another example is when testing an interactive component such as a dropdown menu. Without a timeout set, Cypress may try to interact with the element too soon before it is fully loaded, hence failing the test. Setting a reasonable timeout ensures that all parts have had enough time to load before the test continues.

Cypress timeouts are invaluable to testers because they allow them to control how long Cypress will wait for an element or operation before deciding it has failed. This provides a much more accurate picture of the application under test and helps ensure that tests are reliable and repeatable.

Timeouts also help reduce false positives or negatives due to timing issues with the application or network. In short, Cypress timeouts provide testers with a powerful tool to help ensure their tests are successful.

  • Custom Commands

Custom commands in Cypress are invaluable tools that enable testers to create and utilize reusable functions across multiple tests. With custom commands, testers can simplify complex test scenarios, reduce code duplication, and improve overall efficiency.

For example, imagine a tester working on a project with several pages that require authentication before a user can access them. Rather than writing the same authentication logic for each page, the tester could create one custom command to handle the authentication process. This would reduce the amount of code written and prevent any mistakes from being repeated in multiple tests.

Custom commands also allow for better organization of tests. Testers can create separate files for custom commands and save them in different folders, making them easy to reference when needed. This enables testers to keep their tests organized, making it easier to find what they need quickly and efficiently.

Performing Cypress Tests Online with LambdaTest

The LambdaTest platform is an excellent resource for Cypress testers to generate and analyze test scripts online. With over 40 browser versions available on the cloud, you can deploy quality builds faster than ever. Additionally, you canperform Cypress testing in parallel to further reduce test execution times.

The LambdaTest Test Analytics tool is a potent tool that gives you full control of your test execution data. With it, you can quickly identify trends, track performance metrics, and compare test cycles. It provides comprehensive visualizations of all your test performance metrics, such as pass/fail rates, response times, and running time, so that you can quickly identify problems in the tests and take corrective action if needed. The detailed logs and screenshots of each test case can be easily accessed using the platform, which helps with proper root cause analysis and fast debugging.

Furthermore, it allows for easy integration with 3rd party tools such as Slack and JIRA so that developers can stay up to date with any changes or issues related to your Cypress testing process.

How to run Cypress tests on LambdaTest?

Step 1 – Install Node.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime tool that allows you to run and execute code written in JavaScript. To install Node.js, go to the official website and download the installer for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Once downloaded, follow all the instructions to complete the installation.

Step 2 – Open IDE (VS Code)

Integrated development environments (IDEs) provide an all-in-one solution for writing, debugging, and running code programs. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular open-source IDE developed by Microsoft that supports many languages, including JavaScript. To open VS Code, download it from the official website and follow the instructions provided during setup.

Step 3 – Create a new folder for the Cypress project | Open the folder in VS Code

Before writing any code with Cypress, create a new folder on your local machine to store all files related to your cypress project. Once the folder is created, open it in VS Code by navigating to File > Open Folder.

Step 4 – Open VS Code terminal & run the command npm init -y

The Node Package Manager (npm) is a tool to manage and install packages for JavaScript development. To create a package.json file containing information about the project, such as its dependencies, open the integrated terminal within VS Code and enter the command npm init -y.

Step 5 – Install Cypress npm install cypress | npx Cypress -v

Cypress is a JavaScript-based end-to-end testing framework for web applications. To install Cypress, run the command “npm install cypress” in your terminal window. After installation is complete, you can check that everything was installed correctly by running “npx cypress -v”. This will show you the version of Cypress that has been installed.

Step 6 – Open Cypress with the command `npx Cypress open`. 

This will open the Cypress Test Runner, a graphical user interface that helps you write, debug, and run automated tests.

Step 7 – Install LambdaTest CLI using the command `npm install -g lambdatest-cypress-cli`. 

This will install the LambdaTest Command Line Interface (CLI) to your system. The CLI enables you to perform commands like running tests and accessing test results on LambdaTest.

Step 8 – Create a sample LambdaTest Cypress configuration file using the command `lambdatest-cypress init`. 

This will generate a configuration file where you can specify settings such as authentication credentials and environment details for running your tests on LambdaTest.

Step 9 – Update LambdaTest credentials, browser, and platform settings

Update your LambdaTest credentials, browser, and platform settings in the configuration file. This will ensure that your tests use the correct environment for running.

Step 10 – Run your Cypress tests using the lambdatest-cypress run command. 

This will submit your Cypress test to LambdaTest and execute them on a remote machine. Once the tests are run, you can view the results in the LambdaTest Dashboard.

Following these steps, you can easily set up automated testing for your web application using Cypress and LambdaTest. This lets you quickly detect bugs and ensure that your website operates smoothly across different browsers and platforms.


Cypress Framework is an excellent tool for any software developer looking to create reliable and high-performance applications. Its six main parts ensure that every stage of development is as straightforward as possible. CMS like Cypress can give your project excellent reliability and make testing more efficient.