Category: Reverse Engineering

Python fuzzing library

Frelatage: coverage-based Python fuzzing library

Frelatage Frelatage is a coverage-based Python fuzzing library which can be used to fuzz python code. The development of Frelatage was inspired by various other fuzzers, including AFL/AFL++, Atheris, and PythonFuzz. The main purpose of the project is...

Firmware Liberation

Flopz: Firmware Liberation on Python

Flopz – Firmware Liberation on Python Flopz is an assembler toolkit written in pure python. Use it to: Create shellcode for embedded systems Dynamically patch large collections of binaries Instrument firmware images, for debugging...

Flutter Reverse Engineering Framework

reFlutter: Flutter Reverse Engineering Framework

reFlutter This framework helps with Flutter apps reverse engineering using the patched version of the Flutter library which is already compiled and ready for app repacking. This library has a snapshot deserialization process modified...