Category: Malware Offense

shellcode loader

Ghost: Evasive shellcode loader

Ghost Ghost is a shellcode loader project designed to bypass multiple detection capabilities that are usually implemented by an EDR Detection 1 – kernel callbacks kernel callbacks are implemented by an EDR to harness...

Windows Defender exclusions

SharpExclusionFinder: finds Windows Defender folder exclusions

SharpExclusionFinder This C# program finds Windows Defender folder exclusions using Windows Defender through its command-line tool (MpCmdRun.exe). The program processes directories recursively, with configurable depth and thread usage, and outputs information about exclusions and scan progress....

MagicDot rootkit

MagicDot: Exploiting Windows Paths for Rootkit Power

MagicDot A set of rootkit-like abilities for unprivileged users, and vulnerabilities based on the DOT-to-NT path conversion known issue. MagicDot Python Package Implements MagicDot’s rootkit-like techniques: Files/Directories named with dots only Bonus – Such...