Category: Ethical Hacking

inspect LDAP packets

ldapx: inspect & transform all LDAP packets

ldapx Flexible LDAP proxy that can be used to inspect & transform all LDAP packets generated by other tools on the fly. Usage Where: -f will apply Filter middlewares to all applicable requests -a will apply...

GitHub Actions

Git-Rotate: Bypassing IP Blocks with GitHub Actions

Git-Rotate Leveraging GitHub Actions for IP Rotation – for more information see the following blog post. The Sprayer and Catcher components are currently configured to target the Microsoft login portal and handle the response data. You’ll need to modify...

TCP tunnel

bore: modern, simple TCP tunnel in Rust

bore A modern, simple TCP tunnel in Rust that exposes local ports to a remote server, bypassing standard NAT connection firewalls. That’s all it does: no more and no less. # On your local machine...

bypass Credential Guard

NativeBypassCredGuard: Bypass Credential Guard

Native Bypass CredGuard NativeBypassCredGuard is a tool designed to bypass Credential Guard by patching WDigest.dll using only NTAPI functions (exported by ntdll.dll). It is available in two flavours: C# and C++. The tool locates...

Active Directory Privilege Escalation

bloodyAD: Active Directory Privilege Escalation Framework

bloodyAD BloodyAD is an Active Directory Privilege Escalation Framework. This tool can perform specific LDAP/SAMR calls to a domain controller in order to perform AD privesc. It supports authentication using cleartext passwords, pass-the-hash, pass-the-ticket,...

AD Enumeration

ShadowHound: Stealthy AD Enumeration with PowerShell

ShadowHound ShadowHound is a set of PowerShell scripts for Active Directory enumeration without the need for introducing known-malicious binaries like SharpHound. It leverages native PowerShell capabilities to minimize detection risks and offers two methods...