Category: Ethical Hacking

Microsoft Graph API toolkit

SharpGraphView: Microsoft Graph API post-exploitation toolkit

SharpGraphView Sharp post-exploitation toolkit providing modular access to the Microsoft Graph API ( for cloud and red team operations. Methods Auth Methods: Command Description Get-GraphTokens Get graph token via device code phish (saved to graph_tokens.txt)...

Active Directory Enumeration

Invoke-ADEnum: Automate Active Directory Enumeration

Invoke-ADEnum Invoke-ADEnum is an enumeration tool designed to automate the process of gathering information from an Active Directory environment. With Invoke-ADEnum, you can enumerate various aspects of Active Directory, including forests, domains, trusts, domain...

memory evasion

OdinLdr: Cobaltstrike UDRL with memory evasion

OdinLdr Cobaltstrike UDRL with memory evasion Features: Redirect all WININET calls over callstack crafting Encrypt beacon during sleep Encrypt beacon heap during sleep Self delete of loader EXECUTION OF LOADER 1 – Create heap...

bypass AV

Voidgate: bypass AV/EDR memory scanners

Voidgate A technique that can be used to bypass AV/EDR memory scanners. This can be used to hide well-known and detected shellcodes (such as msfvenom) by performing on-the-fly decryption of individual encrypted assembly instructions,...

dump lsass process

NativeDump: dump the lsass process

NativeDump NativeDump allows to dump the lsass process using only NTAPIs generating a Minidump file with only the streams needed to be parsed by tools like Mimikatz or Pypykatz (SystemInfo, ModuleList, and Memory64List Streams)....