Category: Ethical Hacking
KRBJack This tool can be used to abuse the dangerous ZONE_UPDATE_UNSECURE flag on DNS main domain zone in an Active Directory. This flag when set allows anyone unauthenticated to update, add and remove DNS records anonymously....
FullBypass A tool that bypasses AMSI (AntiMalware Scan Interface) and PowerShell CLM (Constrained Language Mode) and gives you a FullLanguage PowerShell reverse shell. Usage: First, Download the bypass.csproj file into the victim machine (Find...
CrimsonEDR CrimsonEDR is an open-source project engineered to identify specific malware patterns, offering a tool for honing skills in circumventing Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). By leveraging diverse detection methods, it empowers users to...
UAC-BOF-Bonanza This repository serves as a collection of public UAC bypass techniques that have been weaponized as BOFs. A single module that integrates all techniques has been provided to use the BOFs via the...
InflativeLoading Background Converting an exe to shellcode is one of my goals, in this way, some security tools like Mimikatz can be used with more flexibility. Though some tools like Donut already achieved it, I still...
ADOKit Azure DevOps Services Attack Toolkit – ADOKit is a toolkit that can be used to attack Azure DevOps Services by taking advantage of the available REST API. The tool allows the user to...
D3m0n1z3dShell Demonized Shell is an Advanced Tool for persistence in Linux. Demonized Features Auto Generate SSH keypair for all users APT Persistence Crontab Persistence Systemd User level Systemd Root Level Bashrc Persistence Privileged user...
avred AntiVirus REDucer for AntiVirus REDteaming. Avred is being used to identify which parts of a file are identified by an Antivirus and tries to show as much possible information and context about each...
Docker Remote API Scanner and Exploit This repository contains a Docker Remote API Scanner and Exploit tool designed for educational and research purposes. It enables users to perform security assessments and experiments related to...
r4ven The tool hosts a fake website that uses an iframe to display a legit website and, if the target allows it, it will fetch the Gps location (latitude and longitude) of the target,...
Maldev Academy – RemoteTLSCallbackInjection This method utilizes TLS callbacks to execute a payload without spawning any threads in a remote process. This method is inspired by Threadless Injection as RemoteTLSCallbackInjection does not invoke any API calls...
Best EDR Of The Market (BEOTM) BestEDROfTheMarket is a naive user-mode EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) project, designed to serve as a testing ground for understanding and bypassing EDR’s user-mode detection methods that are...
SOAPHound SOAPHound is a .NET data collector tool, which collects Active Directory data via the Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) protocol. SOAPHound is an alternative to several open-source security tools that are commonly used...
Cookie-Monster Steal browser cookies for Edge, Chrome, and Firefox through a BOF or exe! Cookie-Monster will extract the WebKit master key, locate a browser process with a handle to the Cookies and Login Data...
LOLSpoof LOLSpoof is an interactive shell program that automatically spoofs the command line arguments of the spawned process. Just call your incriminate-looking command line LOLBin (e.g. powershell -w hidden -enc ZwBlAHQALQBwAHIAbwBjAGUA….) and LOLSpoof will...
Frameless BITB A new approach to Browser In The Browser (BITB) without the use of iframes, allows the bypass of traditional framebusters implemented by login pages like Microsoft. This POC code is built for...