vhostawesome: check for virtual hosts across multiple IP addresses


A tool designed to efficiently check for virtual hosts across multiple IP addresses.

FunWithVhosts automates the process of identifying virtual hosts on given IP addresses. The script checks for open ports, specifically web server ports, and then tries to retrieve content using a list of possible subdomains for a specified domain. It uses threading for efficient scanning and provides a detailed output of its findings.


  • Concurrent scanning using threading.
  • Checks for open ports 80, 8080, 443, 8443, and 4443 by default.
  • Customizable port scanning.
  • Uses a wordlist to try possible subdomains on the target domain.
  • Outputs detailed results including status codes and content lengths. Filters results to highlight significant findings.


git clone https://github.com/xssdoctor/vhostawesome.git
cd vhostawesome
pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Source: https://github.com/xssdoctor/