Category: WebApp PenTest

Subdomain Takeover CLI Tool

Subdominator: CLI tool for detecting subdomain takeovers

Subdominator Meet Subdominator, your new favorite CLI tool for detecting subdomain takeovers. It’s designed to be fast, accurate, and dependable, offering a significant improvement over other available tools. Benchmark 📊 A benchmark was run across...

404 bypasses

BypassFuzzer: Fuzz 401/403/404 pages for bypasses

Bypass Fuzzer Fuzz 401/403ing endpoints for bypasses This tool performs various checks via headers, path normalization, verbs, etc. to attempt to bypass ACLs or URL validation. It will output the response codes and length...

web-app pentesting

kanha: A web-app pentesting suite written in Rust

kanha Kanha is a tool that can help you perform, a variety of attacks based on the target domain. With just kanha, you can do, Fuzzing, Reverse dns lookup, common http response, subdomain takeover detection and many more. The project...