Category: OSINT – Open Source Intelligence


bopscrk: generate smart and powerful wordlists

Bopscrk Bopscrk (Before Outset PaSsword CRacKing) is a tool to generate smart and powerful wordlists. Included in BlackArch Linux pentesting distribution and Rawsec’s Cybersecurity Inventory since August 2019.   The first idea was inspired by Cupp and Crunch. We could say...

DNS reconnaissance

fierce: A DNS reconnaissance tool

Fierce Fierce is a DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space. Fierce is a semi-lightweight scanner that helps locate non-contiguous IP space and hostnames against specified domains. It’s really meant as a pre-cursor to...

Slack enumeration

SlackEnum: A user enumeration tool for Slack

SlackEnum A user enumeration tool for Slack. Setup Clone this repository and install the necessary dependencies with the commands below. Create the cookies_dir and http_requests_dir folders defined in the settings at the top of By default, these are slack_ids-cookiebro and slack_ids-burp and...