Category: Ethical Hacking

Penetration Testing Framework

fsociety: Modular Penetration Testing Framework

Fsociety Hacking Tools Pack – A Penetration Testing Framework A Penetration Testing Framework, you will have the very script that a hacker needs Fsociety Contains All Tools Used In Mr. Robot Series Menu  ...

Windows Systems

SessionExec: Execute commands in other Sessions

SessionExec SessionExec allows you to execute specified commands in other Sessions on Windows Systems, either targeting a specific session ID or All sessions, with the option to suppress command output. The tool is inspired...

Kerberos Relay Framework

RemoteKrbRelay: Advanced Kerberos Relay Framework

RemoteKrbRelay Remote Kerberos Relay made easy! Advanced Kerberos Relay Framework Details Now, you have four folders in front of you: Checker – old version of the checker for detecting vulnerable DCOM objects; Checkerv2.0 – new version...

LSASS process

NanoDump: creates a minidump of the LSASS process

NanoDump A flexible tool that creates a minidump of the LSASS process. Feature Process forking   To avoid opening a handle to LSASS with PROCESS_VM_READ, you can use the –fork parameter. This will make nanodump create a...

Microsoft Graph exploitation

Graphpython: The Swiss Army Knife for Microsoft Graph Exploitation

Graphpython Graphpython is a modular Python tool for cross-platform Microsoft Graph API enumeration and exploitation. It builds upon the capabilities of AADInternals (Killchain.ps1), GraphRunner, and TokenTactics(V2) to provide a comprehensive solution for interacting with...