Former NSA who was in charge of the global surveillance program joined Amazon

Edward Snowden is the protagonist of the well-known incident PRISM. Snowden was a former outsourcing employee of the US National Security Agency and was later sued by the United States for leaking illegal surveillance plans.

Keith Alexander is the commander of the U.S. Cyber ​​Command and the person in charge of illegal global surveillance in the United States. Keith resigned after the Snowden and PRISM incidents.

A few days ago, the technology giant Amazon announced that Keith joined Amazon and became the new director of Amazon.

The PRISM incident that broke out many years ago mainly refers to the illegal surveillance of the world by the United States, including the United States allies, allied consulates, and high-level allies being illegally monitored.

Amazon leak

Keith Alexander was the director of the US National Security Agency and the commander of the US Army Cyber ​​Command. Keith was personally responsible for the surveillance programs implemented by the US military and the US Security Agency.

During the PRISM incident, Keith Alexander and the US government were protested by the American people and American allies, and then Keith Alexander announced his departure from the National Security Agency.

According to an official announcement issued by Amazon, Amazon announced that Keith Alexander has joined the company and served as a director of the company. The specific responsibility has not been announced yet.

It needs to be emphasized that here is Amazon Group and not Amazon e-commerce shopping, which means that cloud computing platforms such as Amazon’s are also included.

Keith Alexander was originally responsible for network and data monitoring. After joining Amazon, it naturally caused a large number of private security agencies to worry about infringing on user privacy.

Via: theverge