Firefox integrated password manager Firefox Lockwise on Firefox 70

Previously, Firefox had launched a free password manager, Lockwise for all users. The password manager itself is an experimental project but integrated into the Firefox browser, and also supports iOS and Android platforms for user convenience.

The original Firefox password manager is simply a way to save passwords, sync passwords, and support cross-platform use based on Firefox. Of course, these features are enough from the perspective of the password manager, but Firefox is enriching the password manager with users. For example, when a user password is compromised, Firefox can notify the user against the database. This feature was provided by Firefox but not integrated into the manager. At the same time, the Firefox browser follows the Google Chrome browser to generate a random password when the user registers an account.

According to the current plan, Mozilla will release the official version of Mozilla Firefox v70 in the fall, when Lockwise will be integrated into the official version of v70. Of course, users can now download and use Firefox Nightly or Lockwise App. Most of the current functions can be used normally without waiting for the fall update.