Qt 5.14 released, cross-platform C ++ graphical user interface application framework

Qt is a cross-platform C ++ graphical user interface application framework. It provides developers with the ability to create a graphical user interface, widely used to develop GUI programs, and can also be used to develop non-GUI programs. Qt is completely object-oriented, easy to extend, and allows real component programming.

The Qt 5.14 releases. This version includes many documentation updates, some bug/regression fixes, and other maintenance updates.Qt 5.12


New Features (within existing modules)

  • Qt 3D
    • Threading architecture overhaul (removal of aspect thread)
    • Frontend/Backend node sync overhaul
    • QTransform now has access to the world matrix
    • Introduction of Scene3DView
    • Scene3D is now in sync with QtQuick
    • Scene3D can now render as an underlay without FBO
  • Qt Bluetooth
    • [QTBUG-40698] Optional win32 backend to support Windows 7 and 8. Backend is not built by default and not part of the prebuild packages though.
    • QLowEnergyController: Introduce AuthorizationError
    • [QTBUG-76615] Ability to have multiple manufacturer data per manufacturer ID
  • Qt Core
    • QCalendar adds support for Calendars other than Gregorian, by implementation of suitable back-ends.
      • Back-ends to implement the Gregorian, Jalali (Persian), Islamic Civil, Milankovic, and Julian calendars. We look forward to other contributions.
    • [QTBUG-14150] Qt is now relocatable, i.e. it’s possible to move the Qt installation without breaking functionality or loading of plugins.