Netflix app for iOS adds external subscription button

Netflix’s iOS app recently added a button that, when clicked, will lead users to Netflix’s web page to purchase its membership subscription service instead of going through the App Store.
In March, Apple notified app developers on the App Store that it would allow “Reader” apps to offer a link to an external website so users can create and manage accounts outside of the App Store. “Reader” apps refer to apps that provide viewing of external content, including previously purchased movies, music, magazines, newspapers, and books, which are often not included on the iOS platform. Therefore, according to this definition, video and audio platform applications such as Netflix are also “Reader” applications.
Netflix external subscription button

This is also the reason why Netlfix now adds an external subscription button in the application. After the user clicks, it will jump to the official website of Netflix. When the user clicks this button, a reminder will pop up on the screen, prompting that Apple will not take any responsibility for the user’s subsequent transactions, and the user will not be able to manage the app’s subscription or refund through Apple.

After adding the external subscription button, if the user purchases a subscription to Netflix with this connection, then Netflix can be exempted from Apple’s 30% commission. However, in fact, Netflix’s iOS application canceled the purchase subscription function as early as 2018, that is, at that time Apple tried to stop Netflix from redirecting iOS users to subscribe to a Netflix plan using Safari.