Mozilla pushes Firefox Preview 1.1.0 to improve stability and web compatibility

Mozilla has released an update to the Firefox Preview app on Google Play. This is the second update released after the app is publicly released on Google Play. The version is now 1.1.0. Firefox Preview using the GeckoView engine will be the next Firefox app for Android to replace Finnec.

The Firefox Preview app is now complete with collections, tracking protection, dark themes, and private browsing modes, and allows you to sync your browsing history, save your logins, and bookmarks on all your devices.

Changelog v1.1.0

* Usability enhancements to bookmarks, sync, and collections.
* Stability and web compatibility improvements.
* New: you can now open links in other installed apps (e.g. open a link to directions in Google Maps)

Get the new version of Firefox from  Google Play.