Mozilla Firefox 64.0.2 Releases: Fix bugs

The desktop and Android versions of Mozilla Firefox Quantum 64.0.2 are officially released, and this release offers some new features, as well as a variety of other variations. The biggest changes are the introduction of an updated add-on manager that lets you configure, disable, and remove extensions, themes, plugins, and languages.

Mozilla Firefox 64

Users can now more easily remove web extensions by right-clicking their toolbar button and selecting “Remove Extensions.”

For advanced users, the following features may be more useful: Firefox adds a new Task Manager page (accessible via about:performance) which allows users to monitor energy usage on a case-by-case basis and allows users to close options directly from the page card.

Native support for RSS feed previews and live bookmarks has been removed in Firefox 64, users now need third-party plugins to access RSS normally.

Developer changes include the ability to overlay up to three CSS grids at a time in the CSS Grid Inspector, adding support for the new CSS scrollbar specification and support for WebVR on MacOS.

This version also fixes the bug:

  • Fixed a browser crash on MacOS (bug 1510058)
  • Updated the Japanese translation for missing strings (bug 1513259)
  • Properly restore column sizes in developer tools inspector (bug 1503175)
  • Fixed video stuttering on Youtube (bug 1513511)
  • Fix updates for some lightweight themes (bug 1508777)
