Microsoft Excel’s new feature will allow users to unhide multiple worksheets at once

Microsoft has just announced that it will add a new feature to its data processing application Excel. This update will allow users to unhide multiple worksheets at once. So far, Microsoft has provided this Excel update to users including the web version, Mac version, Windows version, and Microsoft 365 subscribers. This also means that users who use the above services can now experience this new feature.

For Microsoft Excel users, being able to independently decide to show or hide the worksheet will add a lot of conveniences. This feature can effectively help users to restrict others from viewing, destroying, or manipulating the information on the hidden file page. Before this update, users could not unhide more than two worksheets at the same time, so they need to adopt various methods to deal with them flexibly.

Microsoft has finally solved this problem in this version of the update, and the unhide menu now allows users to select multiple worksheets at the same time.

To unhide more than one sheet, follow these easy steps in any workbook that contains hidden worksheets:

  1. Right-click the Sheet tab at the bottom, and select Unhide.
  2. In the Unhide dialog box,  

    –          Press the Ctrl key (CMD on Mac) and click the sheets you want to show, or

    –          Press the Shift + Up/Down Arrow keys to select multiple (or all) worksheets, and then press OK.