Intel Alchemist graphics card will use Samsung GDDR6 memory

A few days ago, some netizens leaked a PPT about the development plan of the Alchemist (DG2) laptop graphics card of the Intel Arc brand. According to the content of the chart, it can be seen that Intel’s future discrete graphics product line on laptop platforms will be divided into five SKUs, and there will be four memory configurations at the same time. Although the product line distribution may be slightly different on the desktop platform, the overall configuration ideas should be similar.

Today, Twitter user @ametohana__ shared new information about the Alchemist graphics card and brought a photo of the layout of the GPU and memory chips. You can see the GPU model DG2-512EU and 6 Samsung K4ZAF325BM-HC16 memory modules. By querying Samsung’s product catalog, we can know that this GDDR6 memory module has a capacity of 2GB and a speed of 16 Gbps, which means that the graphics card has a memory capacity of 12GB, a memory bit width of 192 bits, and a bandwidth of 384 GB/s. According to this configuration, the graphics card on the photo should be the rumored DG2-384EU.

Due to the partial processing of the photos, it is still impossible to determine whether the corresponding graphics card belongs to a laptop platform or a desktop platform. According to Intel’s plan, the first batch of ARC brand discrete graphics cards are only for laptop platforms and will appear in laptops equipped with Alder Lake laptop processors, and then the version for desktop platforms will be released.