Google releases the first Developer Preview of Android 11

Google has just released a developer preview of the Android 11 version on the Android developer site, which is mainly for developers to test the feature of this new version.

In the new version, Google has released some new features and improvements. As the developer version continues to change, more new features and improvements will be released.

Finally, Google will officially announce this version at the developer conference and launch the official version around August, when some flagship Android devices will be the first to get updates.

Of course, some users can also download and install this preview version directly, but there may be more problems in the initial release of the new version. It is not recommended for ordinary users to download and install.

Image: Google

In the new version, Google has also improved the security of some privacy permissions such as location permissions, microphone permissions, and camera permissions.

When the application requests such permission, an interface will pop up to ask the user for operations. Optional operations include allowing only this time, allowing when using the application, or directly denying.

If the permission granted by the user is only allowed this time, a reminder will pop up again the next time it is opened, and by default, it is not granted to the app to always allow security.

If the user refuses the application to obtain specific permissions twice in succession, the subsequent system will no longer pop up the window and refuse by default. Of course, the user can modify it in the settings.

Google once provided a native screen recording feature in the Android 10 Developer Edition, but Google quietly removed the feature before the official version was released. Although we don’t know why Google removed it, it is definitely not ready, now this feature has returned in Android 11.