Google Phone app will support call recording

Previously, due to privacy issues, Android device manufacturers such as Xiaomi stopped providing call recording functions, which made consumers who need call recording functions very uncomfortable.

However, Google has updated the Google Phone app to provide call recording. Google has gradually recommended the new Google Phone version to native Android users.

It’s just that the call recording function provided by Google is relatively incomplete. Only the stored number, that is, the user’s known contact person can turn on the recording function.

If it is an unfamiliar number, call recording is not supported. The good news is that Google seems to be ready to support call recording of all numbers including unknown numbers.

9to5google unpacks and analyzes the latest Google Phone version. The website analyzes some unreleased features through decompilation.

This decompilation also yielded, the code shows that Google is ready to support the call recording of unfamiliar numbers, but this feature has not yet been officially enabled.

Before it is enabled, the user can still only enable call recording for the stored contacts, and the user needs to manually enable it every time and cannot directly record automatically.

In addition to supporting the call recording of unfamiliar numbers, Google is also preparing to provide an automatic recording function, which was also found in the decompilation but is not currently enabled.

It is worth noting that according to relevant laws and regulations, some countries or regions do not allow telephone recording, so users in the corresponding regions cannot use it.

At the same time, Google will automatically notify the calling party for exemption reminders when the user turns on the phone recording function, so as to avoid the caller from being recorded without knowing it.