Google open source graphics shader testing framework GraphicsFuzz

Google acquired GraphicsFuzz in August, a company specializing in mobile graphics running test tools. A Google spokesperson said at the time that GraphicsFuzz developed technologies that would help graphics technology vendors create more reliable products, especially in today’s technology-driven world.

Recently, Google’s GitHub page has quietly appeared the GraphicsFuzz source repository. From the documentation point of view, the test framework is working on other targets, such as SPIR-V, D3D HLSL, and Apple Metal, in addition to GLSL shaders.

GraphicsFuzz discovers bugs in graphics drivers by rendering a semantically equivalent shader and finding output differences. This method is called metamorphic testing.


GraphicsFuzz is the first to combine fuzzy and transmutation testing to produce a highly automated method of testing graphics drivers that quickly identifies and fixes errors that can undermine reliability and security before affecting end users.