Google launches Kotlin online course for free

Recently, we reported that Microsoft launched the Python online video tutorial for free called Python for Beginners, which provides learning materials for Python beginners. Coincidentally, Google recently announced two Kotlin free online courses. Just as Apple moved iOS developers from Object-C to Swift, Google is also moving Android developers from Java to Kotlin.

The online tutorial is a collaboration between Google and Udacity (an online educational institution with a language of instruction in English) to help Kotlin learners. Theses course guide you on how to build Android apps in Kotlin.

Kotlin Bootcamp

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Kotlin programming, starting with the basics, such as how to write Kotlin statements, how to handle function operations, etc. After completing the Kotlin language, the course also develops Android apps by using Kotlin. This course provides the foundation you need. Google provides support for developing Android apps with Kotlin, including Kotlin’s Android API and API extensions.

Enroll this course here.

Building Android apps in Kotlin

This course is designed for how to use Kotlin for Android development. Starting with “Hello World”, this course starts with building a basic interactive user interface on one screen, to a multi-screen Google Developer Group (GDG) Finder. In each lesson, you will use an actual architecture application and implement key features.

In the process, you’ll learn about Android Jetpack components such as Room for databases, Work Manager for background processing, the Navigation component, and more. There are also libraries that simplify common tasks such as Glide for image loading, Retroeft for web, and Moshi for JSON parsing. This course teaches major Kotlin features, such as coroutines, to help learners write application code faster and more succinctly.

Enroll this course here.