Google Chrome Canary for Android now supports copying images to the clipboard

For a long time, Google Chrome for Android has not supported the image copy function. The content that can be copied and pasted directly is mainly URLs and plain text.

If users want to share the pictures on the webpage, they must first store the pictures locally, and then use other network communication software to share the pictures with friends.

After many user suggestions, Google finally decided to improve this troublesome process, that is, support for directly copying pictures to the clipboard or directly sharing pictures, etc.

This feature is currently being tested in Google Chrome Canary for Android, and users using Google Chrome for Android can turn on this experimental option in advance.

This test is mainly for copying and sharing pictures. Among them, copying pictures can be copied to the clipboard and then pasted elsewhere.

The picture sharing function can be long-pressed directly to share pictures in the share menu so that you do not need to send the entire webpage address to friends.

No matter copying to the clipboard or sharing pictures, you need to press and hold the picture. When you press and hold the picture, a new menu will pop up to see functions such as copy and share.

Interested users can enable this feature in the Google Chrome experimental option, go to chrome://flags/#context-menu-copy-image flag. Then modify its default option to open and restart the browser to use the above features. 

Via: techdows