Google Chrome adds Omnibox Suggestions in the address bar

Google Chrome normally provides input suggestions to users in the address bar, which includes both potential search terms as well as input and history.

Therefore, for users who frequently use a browser to access a website, they may only need to enter the first few letters in the address bar to quickly open the website.

However, sometimes Google Chrome will also record these contents in the case of incorrect input, but sometimes such records are not easily cleaned up directly.

For this reason, Google Chrome has added experimental options in the new stable version. After turning on this option, users can click the suggestions in the address bar and then manually delete the suggestions.

This experimental option currently supports Google Chrome v83, which means that it is supported regardless of whether it is stable, test, development, or canary.

After upgrading to the latest version, paste the following in the address bar: chrome://flags/#omnibox-suggestion-transparency-options

Then modify the default setting of the option (Default) to Enabled. After setting, click the restart browser option that pops up in the lower right corner to restart.

You can experience this function after restarting Google Chrome, enter the relevant content in the address bar, and then you can see the delete button after the mouse floats over a specific entry.

Via: techdows