Firefox 72.0.2 releases: fix bugs

Mozilla Firefox version 72.0.2 is now available for download from the official website, supporting the most popular operating systems including GNU/Linux, macOS, and Windows. From the version number, you will think that Firefox 72 is a major update to the open-source and cross-platform web browser built by Mozilla. In fact, it is not a major version that provides functional improvements.

Firefox 72



  • Various stability fixes
  • Fixed issues opening files with spaces in their path (bug 1601905)
  • Fixed a hang opening about:logins when a master password is set (bug 1606992)
  • Fixed a web compatibility issue with CSS Shadow Parts which shipped in Firefox 72 (bug 1604989)
  • Fixed inconsistent playback performance for fullscreen 1080p videos on some systems (bug 1608485)
