Developers successfully run Ubuntu on Apple M1

Apple previously launched a MacBook device equipped with a self-developed M1 processor, which can only use Apple systems or use virtualization to install other systems.

However, developers have already completed the adaptation by themselves, which allows the Ubuntu operating system to be installed on the M1 processor without virtualization.

Of course, it is not easy to crack Apple’s security mechanism. Developers write drivers and create custom kernels in a very complicated way to complete the startup.

Fortunately, the kernel and drivers written by the developers were not intercepted by Apple, which is the main reason why most core functions can be smoothly compatible and used.

Since Apple does not provide or provide certain drivers to individual developers, you need to write certain drivers yourself if you want to crack.

To solve this problem, the developers of the Corellium team used the Sandcastle project to crack the iPhone, and the purpose of the crack was to write a driver.

Corellium developers said that after cracking the iPhone, they can write drivers for Apple’s ARM chip, and then create a custom kernel for Apple’s M1 chip.

After completing the preparatory work, the developer uses USB to boot the Ubuntu system successfully, and functions such as network, USB, I2C, and DART can be used normally.

The team said that relevant resources and operating steps will be announced at a later date to allow more interested users to run the Ubuntu Linux operating system on Apple M1.