Chrome 72 block third-party software injections

An important improvement to Chrome 72 is to optimize the stability of your browser app. Minimize the possibility of browser crashes. Currently, 65% of the world’s computers are running this Chrome, which makes Google have to pay attention to the browser crash. With the release of Chrome 72, the browser solved the main problem that caused the browser to crash: code injection.

Chrome v72

In the early days of browsers, the only way for third-party applications and Chrome to provide additional functionality to users was to inject code into the browser. For example, in order to detect dangerous websites or malicious downloads, security software needs to inject code into the browser to protect users’ secure Internet access. With the expansion of Chrome and ecological development, this approach is not being promoted. But some applications still serve users by code injection, which accounts for 15% of all browser crashes.

Chrome 68 was released in 2018, and it began to restrict third-party programs for code injection. The browser warns the user when the application is doing code injection. In Chrome 72, Google completely banned code injection in this way, related third-party applications will not work properly, but the probability of Chrome browser crash is greatly reduced.

As always, it is recommended that all users update to the latest version of Chrome. In addition to the new features above, there are many security updates and kernel improvements in the new release.