Apple prohibits users from sideloading iPhone and iPad applications on M1

The M1 MacBook can install iOS applications directly through the app store. In theory, all iOS applications can run directly on the Apple M1 device.

But Apple also provides developers with options, if developers don’t want to, they can set to block the installation of M1 devices, and users cannot install through the app store.

However, some users have found that even if the developer prevents the installation, they can be installed iPhone and iPad applications on M1 via sideloading, that is, manually deploying after downloading the installation package through some software.

Apple has not previously restricted this approach, but now Apple has begun to deploy new strategies through the server to directly prevent users from trying to sideload applications.

Apple has deployed strategies on the server-side. When users try to side-load applications, the system will collect the application information and compare the server-side strategies.

If the application developer does not allow it to run on the M1 MacBook, Apple will return an error message stating that the developer does not allow you to use it on the platform.

After the deployment of the new strategy, users can no longer install unsupported applications through sideloading.

It is worth noting that if users have previously deployed unsupported applications through sideloading, they can continue to use the app and will not try to uninstall the applications automatically.

Via: 9to5mac