Apple launches iOS 14 official version

After a period of testing, Apple released the official version of iOS 14. Supported iPhone/iPad can go to the software update settings to check for upgrades.

The main functions and improvements brought by iOS 14 include restriction of ad tracking, microphone usage tips, the addition of widgets to the desktop, and addition of APP library storage applications.

Aside from functional improvements, the highlight should be privacy policy improvement. Apple hopes to allow users to better protect their privacy from being tracked by ad networks.

However, if you are looking for stability, it is recommended that you do not upgrade for the time being. It is not too late to wait for the Apple iOS 14.x series version to fix known issues before upgrading.


App Clips

New Features

  • You can now use Settings > Developer Settings to test an App Clip card. (64787288)

App Store

Known Issues

New Features

  • SKOverlay enables downloading an app without having to leave the current app. The overlay can also be tapped to view the app in the App Store. In an App Clip, SKOverlay enables users to download the corresponding full app from within the App Clip. (56886149)
  • You can now manage subscriptions, test upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations, as well as reset the introductory offer eligibility for a test account, by tapping on your sandbox account in Settings. (57248908)
  • The userInfo parameter can now be passed to Account Authentication Modification Extensions during in-app upgrades. (64128404)


New Features

  • A new feature in AVAudioSession allows clients to request stereo polar patterns from the built-in mic. Clients choosing a stereo polar pattern must call a new method of AVAudioSession to specify the stereo input orientation. For more information, see AVAudioSession (58584572)

Core Haptics

Known Issues

Core ML


  • The default initializer on the auto-generated model interface has been deprecated in favor of init(configuration:). Use init(configuration:) or the newly introduced .load() method and handle model load errors as appropriate. (64432588)
