Apache Jackrabbit Oak v1.8.18 releases

Apache Jackrabbit Oak is a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class web sites and other demanding content applications. The Oak effort is a part of the Apache Jackrabbit project. Apache Jackrabbit is a project of the Apache Software Foundation.
Apache Jackrabbit Oak


Changes in Apache Jackrabbit Oak v1.8.18

Technical task

[OAK-8567] – update tomcat-jdbc dependency to 8.5.43
[OAK-8568] – RDB*Store: update mysql jdbc driver reference to 8.0.17
[OAK-8570] – RDB*Store: update mssql-jdbc driver reference to 7.4.1.jre8


[OAK-7473] – [BlobGC] MarkSweepGarbageCollector does not always use the
blobGcMaxAgeInSecs config
[OAK-8162] – When query with OR is divided into union of queries,
options (like index tag) are not passed into subqueries.
[OAK-8624] – oak-run: tests leak mapd temp files
[OAK-8705] – Broken logging in CopyOnWriteDirectory


[OAK-8735] – Jackrabbit Javadoc link should be consistent with used
jackrabbit.version and use https


[OAK-8549] – Update Tika dependency to 1.22
[OAK-8550] – Update commons-codec dependency to 1.13
[OAK-8583] – getNodeByIdentifier may fail with RuntimeException
[OAK-8598] – Update httpcore dependency to 4.4.12
[OAK-8614] – Update httpclient/mime dependencies to 4.5.10
[OAK-8672] – Update jackson dependency to 2.9.10
[OAK-8709] – Update jackson-databind dependency to
