Apache Ignite 2.10 releases, memory data organization platform

Apache Ignite is a memory computing platform that is durable, consistent, and highly available, with powerful SQL, key-values, and processing APIs.


  • Memory-Centric Storage
    Apache Ignite is based on distributed memory-centric architecture that combines the performance and scale of in-memory computing together with the disk durability and strong consistency in one system.The main difference between the memory-centric approach and the traditional disk-centric approach is that the memory is treated as a fully functional storage, not just as a caching layer, like most databases do. For example, Apache Ignite can function in a pure in-memory mode, in which case it can be treated as an In-Memory Database (IMDB) and In-Memory Data Grid (IMDG) in one.On the other hand, when persistence is turned on, Ignite begins to function as a memory-centric system where most of the processing happens in memory, but the data and indexes get persisted to disk. The main difference here from the traditional disk-centric RDBMS or NoSQL system is that Ignite is strongly consistent, horizontally scalable, and supports both SQL and key-value processing APIs.
  • Distributed SQL

    Ignite provides full support for SQL, DDL and DML, allowing users to interact with Ignite using pure SQL without writing any code. This means that users can create tables and indexes as well as insert, update, and query data using only SQL. Having such complete SQL support makes Ignite a one-of-a-kind distributed SQL database.

  • Distributed Key-Value
    The in-memory data grid component in Ignite is a fully transactional distributed key-value store that can scale horizontally across 100s of servers in the cluster. When persistence is enabled, Ignite can also store more data than fits in memory and survive full cluster restarts.

Apache Ignite

Apache Ignite 2.10 released.



  • Moved Node.js thin client to a separate git repo
  • Moved PHP thin client to a separate git repo
  • Moved Python thin client to a separate git repo

Ignite .NET

  • Added CacheConfiguration.NodeFilter
  • Added Partitions and UpdateBatchSize to SqlFieldsQuery
  • Added RendezvousAffinityFunction.BackupFilter
  • Added includeExpired to ContinuousQuery
  • Added thin client service invocation
  • Added thin client transactions
  • Fixed CachePartialUpdateException: failed to update keys (using Cache.PutAsync)
  • Fixed DateTime usage as a cache key or value
  • Fixed GetAffinity failure with NullPointerException on client node
  • Fixed LINQ provider emitted incorrect table alias for queries with JOIN and GROUP BY combined
  • Fixed Service could not assign correct type to passed array parameters (.Net -> .Net call)
  • Fixed Service lost returned array type information
  • Fixed binary configuration for Compute API invocation
  • Fixed binary configuration of Ignite Java service params and result when calling it from Ignite.NET
  • Fixed child processes became zombies when persistence was used with direct-io on Linux
  • Fixed client should have peerClassLoading property in the IgniteConfiguration class
  • Fixed dispose hangs when continuous query was active on .NET Core 3.x
  • Fixed incorrect GetTotalPhysicalMemory result in Docker
  • Fixed interoperable DateTime
  • Fixed misleading LINQ exception when expression could not be translated
  • Fixed service that could not assign correct type to passed array parameters
  • Fixed slow enum serialization
  • Fixed wrong affinity key registration with AffinityKeyMapped attribute

Ignite C++

  • Added Windows support to CMake build system
  • Added implementation of Cluster API
  • Added implementation of SQL API
  • Added thin client transactions
  • Fixed compilation using msvc 14.1
  • Fixed odbc-example losing some values if run with 1 additional node


  • Added catboost inference integration
  • Added initial JSON export/import support for all models
  • Added more distances between two Vectors
  • Added target encoding preprocessor
  • Fixed Incorrect Vector::kNorm evaluation for odd powers

