Apache Hive 3.1.1 release, data warehouse platform

Hive is a  Hadoop-  based data warehouse platform. With Hive, we can easily work with ETL. Hive defines a SQL-like query language: HQL, the user can write SQL into the corresponding MapReduce program based on Hadoop implementation.

Hive is a data warehouse framework for open source in August 2008, and its system goals are similar to Pig, but it has some mechanisms that Pig does not currently support, such as richer type systems, SQL-like query languages, Table/Partition metadata persistence.

Apache Hive 3.1.1 has been released as follows:


  • [HIVE-18767] – Some alterPartitions invocations throw ‘NumberFormatException: null’
  • [HIVE-18778] – Needs to capture input/output entities in explain

New Feature

  • [HIVE-20420] – Provide a fallback authorizer when no other authorizer is in use
