Android 13 automatically clears clipboard content after about an hour

Among the privacy improvements, Google focuses on in the latest Android 13 release, one of the new features is the automatic clearing of the clipboard. In Android 12, Google has added a clipboard notification. If the app tries to read the clipboard, the system will pop up a prompt in the notification to inform the user. However, users cannot prevent applications from reading and writing the clipboard.

Google did mention the function of automatically clearing the clipboard on Android 13, but did not specify how long the specific system would take to clear it automatically. After testing by 9to5google, it was found that the clearing time is 3,600,000 milliseconds, which is 1 hour, which is consistent with the clock style in Google animation.

It is a pity that it takes 1 hour to clear the clipboard, which is too long. This 1 hour is enough for many applications to read the clipboard, but the user cannot manually modify the cleaning time. If you pursue a more private approach, it is recommended to manually clear the clipboard after copying such as account numbers, passwords, mobile phone numbers, bank card numbers, and emails.