An Official Firefox Flatpak is coming soon

With the release of the stable version of Firefox 74, Mozilla developers have turned their attention to Firefox 75, which is scheduled to be released in early April. In addition to the new features that are worth looking forward to, Firefox 75 also has another interesting point. Firefox 75 will be available in Flat and will be available on the Flathub app store.

In fact, Mozilla has improved Firefox’s support for Flatpak since last year. Up to now, Mohaiilla engineer Mihai Tabara has recently reported the latest progress. They have successfully built the beta version of Firefox 75 Beta (Flatpak) and have released it on the Flathub beta channel. They also plan to launch a stable version in the near future.

Prior to its debut, engineers perform extensive testing on Firefox 75 beta. If you have Flatpak configured on your system, you can install Firefox Flatpak beta now to see its current status. This beta version can be easily tested with the Flathub URL or the Flatpak CLI command. Until the stable release, the team is working to provide better l10n support and build configurations.

Please note that this is a beta release and some features may not be available due to the sandbox nature of the Flatpak application. Features that translate and restrict the use of certain zones, such as DNS over HTTPS, may also be affected.

Download Firefox Flatpak