AMD Instinct MI300 appears in the Linux patch for the first time

At the end of last year, AMD launched the Instinct MI200 series of computing cards based on the CDNA 2 architecture. This is the first GPU to be packaged with MCM multi-chips and the first GPU accelerator. Before the Instinct MI200 series was released, there were actually reports that the Instinct MI300 series was already on the way.

Recently, Twitter user @Kepler_L2 pointed out that the latest Linux patch contains an unreleased product from AMD called GFX940, which supports all functions for data centers and is very similar to the model of Instinct MI200 series GPU (GFX90a). Although the model is similar, there are some differences compared with the CDNA 2 architecture GPU codenamed Aldebaran, and it is speculated that it is likely to be the next-generation Instinct MI300 series based on the CDNA 3 architecture.

It is rumored that the AMD Instinct MI300 series GPU will have four computing modules (GCDs). If calculated according to the scale of the Instinct MI200 series GPU, there will be 440 CUs, 28160 cores, and the MCM packaging technology will be used. It is said that the CDNA 3 architecture is not a minor revision after migrating from the CDNA 2 architecture, but a revised new architecture. The final layout of the GPU is similar to the RDNA 3 architecture, but it will be optimized for the HPC market segment.