Alarm clock crashes when the iOS time zone is set to Beirut, Lebanon

As early as January when Apple launched the iOS 14.4 version, users in Beirut, Lebanon, discovered that if the system update was completed, the alarm clock app would immediately crash when opened. Obviously, this is some abnormal problem in Apple’s development of the system.

Unfortunately, until now iOS 14.4.1 is released, Apple has not solved this problem. Lebanese users must switch the time zone or they will not be able to use the alarm clock.

By the way, the iOS system often has some very confusing problems, such as system crashes caused by special strings on the system many times before.

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Of course, what is even more strange is how someone discovered that these strange strings caused the system to crash, and this time zone issue is relatively not too special.

Twitter users said that Apple uses location to help users automatically set the time zone by default, so Lebanese users will be set to the local time zone by default.

Just after setting, the alarm clock application starts to crash indefinitely. As long as the user opens the alarm clock application, it will crash without any other operations.

Last month, some users complained to Apple about the problem and got a reply from Apple’s official support, but they did not expect that Apple still did not fix the problem after the new version was released.

At present, many users have complained about Apple’s delay in fixing the problem on Twitter. After all, this problem has a great impact on users and cannot set and use alarm clocks.

However, Apple did not issue a detailed response to this issue, so it is not clear what the cause is. However, it is reasonable to say that such a problem should not be difficult to fix.

Affected users can only temporarily switch to surrounding time zones, such as Cairo in Egypt and Johannesburg in South Africa, which are also at GMT+2.

Via: bleepingcomputer